2. Photo to Edit:
Portrait of a Dog as an Artist. |
My Weebly.
6. Three benefits to working in groups are:
1) You can get help when you need it.
2) When you miss school, they help you to know what you missed and what you meed to do to make up for it.
3) It's a great experience to make new friends and work with each other, because in most classes you work very independently.
7. Three disadvantages to working in groups could be:
1) Group members don't get along.
2) Group members do not cooperate with each other as they should.
3) One member of the group is left to do all the work so that the rest can "chill."
8. A. Mr. Farley's Blog.
9. Today, i was not on time, i was about 5 minutes late.
13. My favorite song by Taylor Swift is "I Knew You Were Trouble".